Tuesday, Feb 9th
This is not Narnia... this is Finland... it was darn cold. And oh, so beautiful. Jane and I decided it was time for some exercise ... I can't remember how cold it was this day, but darn cold. And sooooo dry. Folks were saying that the Narnia effect was an unusual and rare occurance for Finland. Once again, I wish I had taken my camera. The extreme dry weather combined with very low temperatures made glittery constant snow that very slowly accumulated and stuck to the trees. There hadn't been any wind to speak of, and the sun had no chance of melting the snow while we were there. The result was breath-takingly beautiful...
So, we skiied on the lake ...
but the slight wind while we were moving made our eyes water and our lids would freeze shut...noses were cold and glasses fogged. After stopping for a few minutes to capture the moment...
and pose for pictures
we decided to move inland to the relative warmth of shelter and to more rigorous terrain to create our own internal heat.
Now doesn't this look like winter Narnia?
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