9 February 2018

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

I don’t have enough to do this month. [insert maniacal laugh here]

I am still slowly working on the 4-selv bluebird project.

Also knitting hooded vest for my daughter

Trying to catch two dogs with one cookie, (because I hate the expression “killing two birds with one stone - which I would NEVER do as I love birds) I am planning to weave a demonstration for 4-selv Hockett piece and post it, and at the same time achieve the Valentine weaving project in a timely manner.

This in itself will be tricky, but I also find myself in a shortage of white HD yarn which I was counting on for the aforementioned project. So I am in the midst of commiting another idiom by unweaving (gnivaew?) this failed sample test and using the white HD for the project.

 It ought to be enough.

I am also in training for our upcoming trip to Ireland - a bottle of Guiness a day and practicing our sets for The Gathering. It should be four fabulous days of dancing, music, beer and good fun at the Gathering followed by a few days motoring around SW Ireland with our harp teacher and her daughter.

Look on YouTube by searching for Johnny Reidy Ceili Band - The Gathering Traditional Festival Killarney21.02.16

I am so excited!


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