teisipäev, 17. august


Having trouble centering.

So much swirling around in one very small orbit.

Amidst flashes of brilliance...


Is it sad that some of my favorite friends are actually characters in books?

Or real people - that I know only by their phrases and photos within their own personal digitial space?

And none of these people know of my existence.

So. Are we really friends?

I like to think so.

So often when I read something, or more correctly, hear something for that matter because nowadays my "reading" is mostly listening, I get an insight into someone or about some thing that makes me pause and ask "I wonder what makes _____ tick?"

Well, of course I can't let that alone, so I asked myself ... what makes me tick.


Yikes! a random thought just flitted through... I hope this isn't the one flash of clarity between Not Knowing Who I Am and Forgetting Who I Am. I suspect not, but it is a scary thought.

I have finally made up my mind on listening vs. reading. I love to listen to a book particularly when it is read by an appropriate voice to the book itself. I just finished one of my favorite books this year, The Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan...read by Amy Tan and someone else who I can't remember (really sorry!). Now I want to hear the other books A.T, wrote, which I also really liked but heard only in my head, in my own form of New England english. Sounds much better in the original voice!!

Other books worth listening to (in my humble opinion): The Story of Edgar Sawtelle,  The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and Outlander.

So what have I produced in the past month (!)...


and this.

These photos [by the way I'm pretty proud of the first photo] for advertising my two upcoming classes in the fall at Fletcher Farm School for the Arts and Crafts in Ludlow, VT. The first is for my class in creating copper jewelry that uses basic metal working techniques and is then enameled using a torch. The second is for my class in Jewelry that Tells a Story, a mixed media approach to one fabulous piece of jewelry. I hope people sign up for these two classes... they are really different from what I have taught in the past, and I had lots of fun making them.

Someday I will tell you the story of my necklace....

I have made some beads, but alas, I have not photographed them yet. You will just have to wait. I am toying with reopening my Etsy shop. Putting in my flower beads. It's just so much effort!

The garden is abundant. I'm not sure that I can actually eat anymore squash... at least not until I can find some new recipes. The beans are in the freezer, which is filling up quickly now. My Most Favorite meal of all time?

Summer on a Plate

Heirloom tomato sliced nice and thick
Garlic, minced
Olive oil to taste
Sea salt
Freshly ground pepper
cheese - any kind your heart desires.
Basil, sliced in thin ribbons because it looks cool

N.B. I didn't put in amounts because you just have to use your own judgment on this one.

And no pictures - I don't want you drooling on your keyboard.

Off to pick up the workhorse of the garden (besides Alex)... the Mantis tiller. Darn thing wouldn't stay running. Turns out to be a cracked something or other but we have discovered the nicest small engine fixer guy, Tom. Says it's ready. Whooo hooo.

See ya,


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